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How do you know that your employees are stressed and in risk for burn-out?

S-COPE measures STRESS and how employees COPE with it, so that you get all the relevant information to prevent burn-out within your organization.

You will receive specific guidelines where to work on and how to reduce organizational stress levels to healthy proportions.

Stress is the epidemic of the 21st century. It results in all kinds of unwanted outcomes, such as unhappy people, conflicts, unproductiveness, burn-out and illnesses. The problem with stress is that it is difficult to see and often only surfaces when it is too late.

That is why it is important to provide insight into stress (early) and to indicate why employees are stressed. So that you can work towards a solution.


We measure stress and it’s influencing factors through a specially developed questionnaire, consisting of six elements.

Questionnaire elements

Each element includes different variables that are modularly built. Choose which modules to use or let S-COPE develop a module to measure something specific. This is possible on request.

Levels of stress

We measure the complexity of stress with multiple dimensions.

Causes of stress

We detect the causes within the work and home/private environment of employees.

Effects of stress 

Besides burn-out, we also measure physical, mental, social and work wellbeing.

Support on stress

We measure the organizational and social support employees receive.

Coping with stress

We measure how employees behaviorally, emotionally and mentally cope with stress.

Differences in stress

We show stress differences in groups of people (e.g. gender, age, jobs and teams).

Image by Windows

By measuring multiple times, you can monitor the stress levels in your organization and get insights into the effectiveness of your stress-reducing interventions. So that we make sure you are on the right track or that you have to adapt or change the interventions.

Image by Scott Graham

S-COPE provides reporting capabilities at three levels:

Individual level

Participants receive feedback on their personal score results and, after obtaining permission, can share these with a confident (e.g. a company doctor, therapist or trainer).

Team Level

Managers receive feedback on anonymised score results from participants within teams (10 or more), such as averages, percentages and dispersion measures.

Organisational Level

Managers receive feedback on anonymized score results from all participants within the organization (100 or more), and can make comparisons between age groups, gender, teams and job-functions.

Guidlines on how to reduce stress

Our reports will guide you into a step-by-step process on how to reduce organizational stress leves to healthy proportions.

What to improve

Get to know what can be improved within employees and the organization

How to improve

Get to know how to improve things within employees and the organization

Support for improvement

Get into contact with specialist who can support you with improvements

Woman at Work
Need specialist to reduce stress levels?

S-COPE works together with specialists who train employees in reducing their stress levels to a minimum. We are delighted to work with those specialists, because we know how effective their interventions are based on our measurements. In that sense, you can increase your success ratio on beforehand.

What are all the advantages?

Direct access to score results after each measurement

Overview of all relevant scores in a dashboard

Input for team and organizational policy

Insights into organizational stress levels and its causes

Benchmarking between groups of employees

Contact options with stress specialist for further support

Sress development monitoring with multiple measurements

Access and permission options to view results

Evaluation of improvements with multiple measurements

Want to know more about your organizational stress levels? 

We are happy to answer all your questions!

Thanks for contacting us!


Egelantiersgracht 64-II

1015 RM Amsterdam



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